The Dunsfold Aerodrome call-in inquiry
The Dunsfold Aerodrome call-in inquiry has now closed. The inspector will in due course report to the Secretary of State. The inquiry sat between 18 July 2017 and 3 August 2017.
The planning application before the inspector was a hybrid application for, amongst other things, part outline proposal for a new settlement with residential development comprising 1,800 units (Use Class C3); 7,500sqm care accommodation (Use Class C2); a local centre; New business uses including offices, and research and development industry (Use Class B1a and B1b) up to a maximum of 3,700sqm; light and general industry (Use Class B1c and B2) up to a maximum of 7,500sqm; storage and distribution (Use Class B8) up to a maximum of 11,000sqm; a further 9,966sqm of flexible commercial space (B1(b), B21(c), B2; and all related infrastructure including roads, car and cycle parking, energy plant and associated equipment, water supply, telecommunications, drainage systems and waste water treatment facilities.
The closing submissions of the parties are available to view here.
Wayne Beglan acted on behalf of Waverley BC.