East Yorkshire residents beat super aerobic digester: it can pay to consider a proposal from first principles
Local Government, Planning and Environment, Public Law and Judicial Review
Four local communities, united under the banner Communities Against Digester (CAD), have recently won a battle against a proposal to locate a substantial, 5.45 Mw AD plant to be located in the open countryside in a former mineral working.
The plant was to be fuelled with chicken manure and straw. Members of the East Riding Council had been persuaded to refuse the application, against officers’ advice, on visual impact grounds alone.
However, it was opposed by CAD on grounds of sustainability that included need, availability of feedstock, appropriateness of location and a wide range of other grounds.
On seeing CAD’s written submissions PINS order that the appeal proceed by public inquiry and the appellant has now withdrawn the appeal.
Mark Lowe QC acted for CAD.