Cornerstone Annual Planning Conference 2017

06 Nov 2017, 10:09 pm


The Law Society


Early bird rate: £90+VAT per ticket / Standard rate:£100+VAT per ticket

Tickets are now available for the Cornerstone Barristers’ Annual Planning Conference taking place on 6th November 2017.

The conference is hosted by Cornerstone Barristers’ team of planning experts and will provide practical guidance on the latest developments in planning law.

Aimed at planning consultants and developers.


  • Programme

    09.15  Registration (9.15am – 9.30am)

    09.30  Chair’s welcome and introduction

    09.45   Housing land supply and OAN after Suffolk Coastal and East Staffordshire

    10.30   Neighbourhood plans – here to stay

    11.15   Coffee

    11.45   Planning court after Suffolk Coastal – a shift in approach by judges?

    12.30  CIL and s106 issues

    13.15   Lunch

    14.15   Local plans

    15.00   Case law update

    15.45   Chair’s concluding remarks

    16.00   End

    Programme subject to change*