Mariana Dam Collapse: Hannah Taylor appears for the claimants in likely largest opt-in group claim in English legal history
Cornerstone Climate, Planning and Environment
Hannah Taylor of Cornerstone Barristers appears for the claimants in Munícipio de Mariana and Ors v BHP Group Plc and BHP Group Ltd, a high-profile trial beginning today at the Technology and Construction Court. 620,000 claimants are seeking to establish BHP’s liability for the collapse of the Fundão Dam in Brazil. The first stage trial is listed until March 2025, and is poised to be the largest opt-in group claim in English legal history.
The collapse, which occurred in November 2015, resulted in the release of approximately 40 million cubic meters of tailings from iron ore mining. The village of Bento Rodrigues was destroyed and 19 people lost their lives. The collapse is widely recognised as Brazil’s biggest environmental disaster.
The Claimants, including individuals, municipalities, businesses, utility companies, faith-based institutions, and indigenous and quilombola communities, are claiming damages from BHP, which holds a 50% stake in Samarco Mineração SA, the company who operated the dam at the time of its collapse.
The case has been widely reported in the media:
Hannah Taylor is instructed by Pogust Goodhead, and is led by Alain Choo Choy KC, Andrew Fulton KC, Nicholas Harrison, Jonathon McDonagh, Russell Hopkins, Ibar McCarthy, Grace Ferrier, Antonia Eklund, and Anisa Kassamali. Learn more about Hannah’s practise here.