Appeal allowed in the face of deficit of housing land supply across the district: Disaggregation not favoured post Framework in Buckinghamshire
Mary Cook acted in an appeal involving land to the North Of Manor Park Farm, Moreton Road, Buckingham.
The main issue concerned whether the site was allocated for housing in the development plan. The land was part of a site identified in development plan but not envisaged to come forward for housing rather open space. In the event the LPA had taken a financial contribution instead. The Inspector found the land was allocated for housing.
She went on to consider whether there is a 5 year supply of deliverable housing sites and if there is not, whether any adverse impacts of the proposal would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits of the development. On the 5 year supply the Council relied upon the SEP housing requirements and a disaggregated approach whereas the Inspector looked it on the basis of a district wide approach and distinguished earlier appeal decisions on the basis they were pre the Framework.
She concluded there was no five year supply. She found the both the private and public housing would bring benefits. The other considerations to be taken into account included:
- the effect on the character and identity of Buckingham and the effect on the surrounding countryside;
- whether there would be a severe impact on the highway network;
- the effect on the provision of green infrastructure in the area;
- whether the proposal makes adequate provision for public open space;
- whether the proposal makes adequate provision for affordable housing;
- whether the proposed design and layout would be satisfactory.
Having regard to her conclusions, factors and having regard to strong local feelings she concluded the development would be sustainable and that it had not been shown that the benefits would be outweighed by the other considerations.