Bullers Wood School for Boys, St Hugh’s Playing Fields, Bromley, Kent
On 19th December 2018, an Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State allowed an appeal against the refusal of planning permission for a 6 form of entry secondary boys’ school at St Hugh’s Playing Fields, Bromley, Kent.
The application for permission for the school was refused by the LPA on grounds relating to impact on the highway and road safety.
The Inspector concluded, however, that proposed new infrastructure for the school entry and exits, together with parking management and marshalling would ensure that safety risks would be minimised; that the residual cumulative impact on the road network would not be severe within the meaning of paragraph 109 of the National Planning Policy Framework (2018); and that the acute need for new secondary school places in the Borough outweighed any negative impacts of the proposed school.
Lisa Busch QC acted for the appellant in the Inquiry, which took place in November 2018.