“Copper’s Nose” gets double punch from Cornerstone Barristers
Ipswich police faced an uphill task when they appealed the decision of Ipswich Borough Council to allow an extension of hours to the premises licence of one of the town’s principal night time venues, Revolution.
Not only did they have the difficult task of convincing the magistrates of the harm caused to the crime prevention objective from a change which had resulted in an overall reduction in crime and no crime at all during the extended hours. They faced not one but two Cornerstone Barristers working against them, one for each of the two Respondents.
Forced to admit that crime had gone down as a result of the change, the police argument was reduced to the surreal, claiming that a “copper’s nose” ought to trump experience and facts. End result: The magistrates decided the police didn’t “nose” best in this case. Appeal dismissed, with the police paying two sets of costs.
Rory Clarke acted for Ipswich Borough Council and Joe Cannon acted for Inventive Leisure Limited. Both are experienced licensed practitioners who also act regularly for all sides, including a number of police forces, in licensing appeals, reviews and expedited reviews.