Breakfast Seminar – When Green Means No

29 Apr 2019, 4:18 pm


Martin Edwards


Cornerstone Barristers, 2-3 Gray's Inn Square, London WC1R 5JH



The presumption in favour of sustainable development lies at the heart of the NPPF and its objective to significantly boost the supply of homes. But it is not without its limits, as footnote 6 makes clear. Issues relating to releases from, or development within, Green Belts, the promotion and protection of Local Green Spaces and the registration of village greens all have the potential to impact on the deliverability of housing sites.

This breakfast seminar will examine recent cases and policy developments in relation to these important areas of land whether seeking to protect, develop or allocating such land.

To request a space on this event, please email

  • Programme


    08:00 – Registration and refreshments

    08:15 – Starts

    99:00 – Discussion followed by refreshments

    09:30 – Ends