Cornerstone Planning and Law Update 2017 : Planning for the Nation of Wales (Public Sector)

17 May 2017, 9:56 am


Michael Bedford QC, Estelle Dehon, Wayne Beglan, Harriet Townsend, Clare Parry, Rob Williams & Ashley Bowes


One Caspian Point, Pierhead Street, Cardiff Bay, CF1 4DQ


£40 + VAT early bird rate (expires 7th April) / £50 +VAT standard rate

Cornerstone Barristers invites you to the annual planning law update in Cardiff. The morning seminar will provide practitioners in the public sector with an update on the key planning issues to be aware of at the moment, from national policy around funding and delivery of local infrastructure through to legal and policy developments at the national level – the NDF, NSIPs and Developments of National Significance.

The seminar will consider recent case law and provide practical advice on topics such as environmental impact assessments.

  • Programme

    9.00 – 9.30 Registration

    9.30 – 9.45 Chair’s Introduction

    9.45 -10.30 Case law update

    10.30 -11.00 Funding and delivery of local infrastructure – CIL and s106 – an update

    11.00 -11.30 Refreshments

    11.30 – 12.00 Legal and policy developments at the national level – the NDF, NSIPs and Developments of National Significance

    12.00 – 12.30 EIA legal update and related good practice points

    12.30 – End – A light sandwich lunch is provided.