Evening Seminar – The end of gating, dog control and drinking in public places orders

20 May 2019, 7:35 am


Kuljit Bhogal


Cornerstone Barristers, 2-3 Gray's Inn Square, London, WC1R 5JH



There is a deadline looming: all existing orders will cease to be enforceable as of October 2020.

The introduction of the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 spelt the end of the old methods of placing controls on public spaces. In their place, the Act created Public Spaces Protection Orders (‘PSPOs’). The old orders (all Dog Control Orders, Drinking in Public Places Orders and gating orders) which transitioned to be treated as PSPOs will expire.

October 2020 seems like an age away but local authorities and their partners need to start planning now.

Unlike the orders they replace, there are no template documents; PSPOs are evidence-based, they require a public consultation and must be reasonable and proportionate in their scope.

There are approximately 18 months left to gather the evidence base for an order, undertake the required statutory consultation and seek approval to implement new PSPOs.

During this roundtable discussion participants will have an opportunity to discuss the legal issues which arise, including (but not limited to):

  • The types of activities that PSPO can regulate
  • The evidence base and statutory consultation
  • Drafting appropriate prohibitions and requirements
  • What we have learned from the two High Court challenges (Summers v Richmond and Dulgheriu and Ealing LBC)

The seminar is aimed at lawyers who are advising on these issues. It is an opportunity for sharing experiences and tips for dealing with the issues that arise.

To request a place on this event please email smorgan@cornerstonebarristers.com

  • Programme


    18:00 – Registration and refreshments

    18:15 – Starts

    19:00 – Discussion followed by refreshments

    19:30 – Ends