Housing Week Day 5: Collection and Use of Personal Data: A Guide for Landlords

09 Oct 2020



We often see tenants alleging breaches of their rights under the Data Protection Act 2018 in counterclaims to proceedings brought by landlords. It is therefore increasingly important for landlords to be aware of their obligations and responsibilities in respect of data sharing and data protection.

This webinar provides up to date guidance and advice for landlords and those who represent them, particularly focusing on:

• Top tips for landlords in complying with data protection obligations

• How landlords can lawfully collect and use personal data such as CCTV and noise recordings to assist in ASB and Tenancy Fraud investigations

• How landlords can successfully deploy such personal data in court proceedings

A copy of the slides for this webinar can be found HERE.

Some of the documents John Fitzsimons referred to in the webinar can be found below:

ICO Code

Home Office Code

12 Principles Checklist 

Template DPIA