Roundtable discussion on village green registration

22 Jan 2020, 9:48 pm


Cornerstone Barristers, 2-3 Gray's Inn Square, London WC1R 5JH

Jonathan Clay and Ashley Bowes are hosting a roundtable discussion about the Supreme Court landmark decision on village green registration on Thursday 30 January.

Last December, the Supreme Court ruled that land cannot be registered as a village green where it is held for specific statutory purposes, even if it is not use for those purposes or likely to be in the near future.

NHS Property Services Ltd v Surrey County Council and another is now the leading case on statutory incompatibility. Jonathan appeared for the NHS, while Ashley represented Mr Jones.

The judgment is of great interest to public authorities whose land has been the subject of a village green registration or are facing an application to register their land.

The roundtable discussion will provide a forum to analyse the judgment’s decision with a particular focus on the outstanding risks that public authorities may face and how to mitigate them. The speakers will also explain the case’s broader ramifications and how they can de-register a village green.

Please note that the event will be preceded by afternoon tea which will be served between 5pm and 5.30pm. The roundtable discussion will run from 5.30pm to 6.30pm.

If you like to book a place, please email