Seminar – Succession and assignment of tenancies
12 Sep 2018, 8:41 pm
Catherine Rowlands, Michael Paget, John FitzsimonsVenue
Cornerstone Barristers, 2-3 Gray's Inn Square, London, WC1R 5JHFee
Early Bird offer £30+VAT (Until 3 August) / Standard Ticket £40 +VATA tenancy is a special type of contract agreed by a landlord. The contract is with the tenant. Are there any circumstances in which a landlord is forced to continue to grant the same contractual rights to a third party?
This seminar, which is intended to be a thorough introduction for property and housing lawyers with no or limited previous knowledge of the subject, will consider how some tenancies can be inherited, passed on, and swapped.
- Programme
09:00 – Registration and refreshments
09:15 – Successions – Catherine Rowlands
- What is a succession?
- The different statutory regimes
- Relevant case law
10:30 – Coffee break
10:45 – Assignments – Michael Paget
- Effect of an assignment
- Assignments in the private sector
- Assignments in the public sector
- Estoppel
11:30 – Practice points – John Fitzsimons
- Schemes for mutual exchange
- Evidence relevant to succession defences
12:15 – Q&A session
12:30 – Ends