Zoom Webinar: Possession proceedings, where are we now?

22 Jun 2021, 11:00 am



Speakers: Tara O’Leary, Rowan Clapp, Olivia Davies and Dr Christina Lienen

The Housing Team at Cornerstone Barristers has wide-ranging experience of dealing at all court levels with claims for possession of social housing and private sector properties. In this webinar we will take stock of how the County Courts are dealing with possession claims as the country (hopefully) moves towards an easing of COVID-19 restrictions. The webinar will provide an update on the court rules and procedures then in force; provide tips and guidance on managing cases and remote hearings in the post-pandemic environment; and include an overview of the very important changes which will shortly be introduced by the Debt Respite (“Breathing Space”) Scheme.

Please click here to dowload a copy of the slides used in the webinar