Gambling for Local Authorities: Licensing, Planning and Regeneration: new book
We are pleased to announce that we have worked with the Institute of Licensing in a new publication: Gambling for Local Authorities: Licensing, Planning and Regeneration (General Editor: Philip Kolvin). The book has now been published, prior to the start of the premises licensing transitional process of the Gambling Act 2005.
The book is designed to abbreviate and simplify the new law of gambling. It is intended for easy reading by both officers and members involved in licensing and allied fields such as planning and regeneration. It is the only book which will draw the important links between planning and licensing and which involves experts from across all the relevant disciplines. Writers include several members of 2-3 Gray’s Inn Square: Institute Chair Philip Kolvin himself; Head of Chambers Mark Lowe QC, new silks Morag Ellis QC and David Matthias QC, together with Rory Clarke, Simon Bird, Michael Bedford, Johanna Boyd, Josef Cannon and Clare Parry. Other writers include Institute Vice Chair Professor Colin Manchester (Professor of Licensing Law, University of Warwick), Professor Peter Collins (a leading expert in gambling and regeneration), planning expert Andy Arrick of Roger Tym & Partners, Jeremy Phillips (who edits Patersons) and William Hill Chief Executive David Harding. We are hoping that it will become a standard reference work in its field.
By publishing the text itself, the Institute has managed to keep publication and marketing costs, and therefore price, to a reasonable sum. All proceeds from the text are going to the Institute of Licensing to help it to develop the services it can offer its members. As a Chambers, we are therefore very pleased to be associated with it.
We do hope that you will take advantage of this offer before it ends. Further information on the book is set out below, together with an order form.
Please see below for a selection of favourable recent reviews:
The Solicitor’s Journal describes the book as “an excellent account of the framework of the new Act”, and “strongly recommended”. Roy Light, a professor of law UWE and a barrister at St John’s Chambers, Bristol.
Click here for the full review.
The Licensing Review [70], July 2007 describes the book as “a testimony to the changed landscape and the lifting of local authority regulation to a higher plane. Wearing the badge of the Institute of Licensing, as it does, this volume is as much an advertisement for the new order as it is a valuable contribution to modern gambling knowledge.”
Click here for the full review.
“In this timely and extremely important new book, Philip Kolvin and his team cut through this enormous piece of legislation with a light narrative style, incisive comments and useful practical applications. The book is suitable for anyone with any involvement with the new legislation, whether they are from the licensing authority, planning authority, gambling industry or responsible authorities or interested parties. Technical matters are clearly explained, the practical aspects of application and challenge are clarified and the use of the various licences and permissions is detailed and comprehensible. For a book to succeed, it must be both useful and accessible, and “Gambling for local authorities: licensing, planning and regeneration” seems set to succeed on both levels. It is highly recommended.” James Button, PH Law
“Kolvin’s book provides answers for the many challenges facing local authorities under the new legislation. It is a good advert for the legal profession.” Dr. Mark Griffiths, Professor of Gambling Studies, Nottingham Trent University