HSLA Social Event – December 2020
24 Dec 2020
Last week Gerard did this speech to the HSLA membership of which Gerard is vice chair. There are over 700 members.
Gerard covered the following areas:
- The Supreme Court case of Maughan which states that the burden of proof for Unlawful killing and Suicide is now a civil rather than the criminal standard
- He discussed the practical implications for both criminal and civil law, funding, future Inquests and publicity etc.
- The new Sentencing Act that came into immediate effect on December 1st that codifies a lot of Sentencing
- The recent HSE guidance in relation to Covid- 19 and when they will be involved in enforcement
- ISO 45001 and the Globalisation of Health and Safety of enforcement a topic GĂ©rard has written on extensively
Gerard also discussed the ramifications Covid was having on the Legal profession and its future and some tips regarding resilience
Gerard has been asked to repeat this talk in January and a date will be fixed shortly