Roadside service area on the A34 refused because of conflict with development plan policy and absence of need
An appeal relating to a new roadside service area (RSA) on the A34 in Oxfordshire has been dismissed by an Inspector in light of its conflict with development plan policy on the location of RSAs on the A34. The site, a triangular parcel of land located at the Chilton junction off the A34 trunk road within the North Wessex Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, was found by the Inspector to be wholly contained by the local road network. The proposed development would cause only limited harm to the AONB, but it was contrary to recently adopted policy in the development that sought improvements to existing RSAs before news sites were developed. There were a number of existing RSAs along the A34, well within the maximum separation distance set out in national policy in DfT Circular 02/2013, and although the appellant questioned the extent to which they met the needs of motorists the Inspector concluded that they fulfilled the functions of RSAs. Although the appeal scheme would bring some benefits, they did not overcome the breach of development plan policy.
A copy of the decision can be found HERE.
Robin Green acted for the local planning authority, Vale of White Horse District Council