Stoke Poges Campus, School Lane, Bucks SL2 4Q1 APP/N0410/W/20/3264723
Lisa is representing the Secretary of State for Education in his appeal against the non-determination by Buckinghamshire Council of planning permission for a new multi-purpose building at an Academy in the green belt. Planning policy as set out in the NPPF and 2011 Written Ministerial Statement enjoins decision-makers to give “great weight” to the need to expand, alter and improve existing schools. The decision in this matter will, therefore, provide a test case as regards the respective weight to be given to these policies, on the one hand, and green belt policies in the development plan and NPPF. The hearing is listed for 27th April 2021. In addition, as the Academy in question is a Sikh faith school, the appeal gives rise to issues under the Equality Act 2010.