Terms of business
On the 31 January 2013, the commonly used terms of engagement for barristers taking instructions from solicitors, namely the Terms of Work and the Withdrawal of Credit Scheme (in Annexe G1 and G2 of the Bar Code of Conduct) were abolished leaving barristers free to agree their own terms with instructing solicitors or to rely on The (New) Standard Contractual Terms for the Supply of Legal Services by Barristers to Authorised Persons (the SCT”).
We are now required to publish the terms on which we perform work. We have decided that since our instructing solicitors are more likely to be familiar with the SCT, it will be easier for them if they are the terms upon which we rely. Accordingly, with effect from 31 January 2013, unless otherwise agreed in writing, all instructions received from solicitors and ABSs will be accepted on the basis of the SCT which can be found here.
The SCT do not affect the way our members provide services to Licensed or Direct Public Access clients or to public bodies such as Local Authorities or the Treasury Solicitor.
Licensed Access
We accept Licensed Access instructions from certain organisations and individuals. All instructions received under the licensed access scheme will be accepted on the basis of the Bar Council Licensed Access Terms of Work.
Public Access
A number of our members are qualified to undertake public access work on behalf of members of the public, professionals and companies. Visit the Bar Standards Board website for information on practising rules and requirements.
If you have any concerns or questions regarding these arrangements or the basis upon which you are instructing a barrister from Cornerstone Barristers, please contact our Chief Executive, Clare Bello, on 020 7421 1819.
Professional, licensed access and public access clients are welcome to contact our team of clerks and request a quotation for the legal services we provide. Please contact clerks@cornerstonebarristers.com. We aim to reply within a few working days, certainly within 14 days.
You can read our Privacy Notice for clients here.