Water Woes at Darwin Green: Jack Parker begins planning inquiry amid environmental concerns
Jack Parker is appearing for South Cambridgeshire District Council in a 9-day planning inquiry to consider whether water can be supplied sustainably to 1,000 homes at Darwin Green on the edge of Cambridge.
The area is classified as an area of serious water stress and Cambridge Water’s Water Resource Management Plan for the period 2024-29 has not been approved. The Environment Agency has objected to the scheme on the basis that the development is likely to exacerbate the need for groundwater abstraction, leading to a risk of harm to water bodies.
Jack specialises in administrative and public law, planning, environment and property law and has expertise in a range of related areas including commercial, local authority governance & services, and licensing law.
He advises and acts on behalf of public authorities, developers, private organisations and individuals.
Learn more about his practise here.