Cornerstone Climate participates in roundtable on undergraduate education for the built and natural environment

07 Jul 2023

Cornerstone Climate

Cornerstone Climate, the new centre of excellence for climate litigation and advice, participated in a round table discussion this week about undergraduate education for the built and natural environment, led by the Edge think tank.

Estelle Dehon KC represented the Cornerstone Climate team during the discussion, held at the Building Centre London under ‘Chatham House Rules’. It was an opportunity for thought leaders in the sustainability sector to engage in a frank explanatory discussion of what an education programme for undergraduates would look like.

Other attendees at the roundtable included Baroness Brown (Climate Change Committee), Peter Bonfield (former CEO of the BRE Group), Dr Jenny Russell (Director of Education, Royal Institute of British Architects), Dr Neal Shasore (Chief Executive, London School of Architecture), Hugh Simpson (Chief Executive, Architects Registration Board), Julia Stevens (Chief Executive, Constructionarium).