Seminar – Defending disrepair
25 Apr 2018, 9:20 pm
Michael Paget and Ryan KohliVenue
Cornerstone Barristers, 2-3 Gray's Inn Square, London, WC1R 5JHFee
Early Bird offer £30+VAT (Until 8th April) / Standard Ticket £40 +VATAimed at all freeholders, including social landlords, this seminar will provide an overview of the basic principles underlying disrepair claims, and when to defend them.
Michael Paget and Ryan Kohli of the Cornerstone Housing Team will cover the topics below.
Please note the programme maybe subject to change.
- Programme
09:15 What is disrepair?
– How does it differ from statutory nuisance?
– Improvements
– Condensation
– Edwards v Kumarasamy [2016] UKSC 4010:15 The early response & pre-action work
10:45 Refreshments
11:00 Long leaseholders
Is it the same test? Who ultimately pays for the work?
11:30 Other Issues
– Allocation
– Experts
– Limitation and Personal Injury
– Set-off defences
– Costs and cost changes12:15 Q&A
12:30 Finish