Zoom webinar – Care Act 2014 Easements in the Coronavirus Act 2020 – what do they mean for you?
Peggy Etiebet, Lee Parkhill, Zoë WhittingtonVenue
FreeWe are delighted to invite you to a webinar to discuss the implications of the Coronavirus Act 2020 for local authorities.
Section 15 and Schedule 12 of the Coronavirus Act 2020 sets out significant amendments to a local authority’s duties under the Care Act 2014.
These are designed to ensure that the best possible possible care and support can be delivered in the face of the unprecedented pressures placed on already stretched adult social services departments by Covid-19.
But what exactly are these new powers and duties and more importantly, what as a matter of practice, do adult social services departments need to do to implement these new provisions lawfully?
This webinar is designed to give local authority legal and client departments an overview of the new provisions and some pragmatic advice on what this might mean in practice.
Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and share best practice among themselves.
To receive your log in details please RSVP to events@cornerstonebarristers.com
Please see below for links to the materials from this webinar:
Care Act 2014 Easements in the Coronavirus Act 2020 – Slides