Zoom webinar – Disrepair litigation in changing times

09 Jun 2020, 5:40 pm


Catherine Rowlands, Rowan Clapp





Disrepair litigation has never been more challenging. If a changing legislative framework were not enough, we also need to deal with carrying out repairs in lockdown, dealing with litigation remotely and coping with the increased tension that coronavirus has brought.

Being locked down in a house in disrepair can’t be pleasant – but neither is dealing with claims brought by unscrupulous claims-farmers.

In this webinar, Catherine Rowlands and Rowan Clapp examined some of the issues including:

• An oversight of section 11 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 – what is the landlord’s obligation to deal with disrepair under the classic law?
• An introduction to the new fitness for human habitation provisions that have now come fully into force. How do they change a landlord’s obligations to its tenants?
• Outline of the new pre-action protocol
• Working practices in light of Covid-19

SLIDES – Click here to download a copy of the slides used in this webinar.