Zoom webinar series on Local Plans – Joint planning across authority lines

16 Jul 2020, 7:28 am


Michael Bedford QC, Dr Ashley Bowes





Following on from the introduction to elements of local plans webinar, the Cornerstone planning team will host a series of webinars drilling down into many of the key elements of the local planning process.

The second of the series will be on Joint planning across authority lines.

Recent Duty to Co-operate decisions by Examination Inspectors (Sevenoaks, South Bucks/Chiltern) have emphasised the need to think and plan at a wider than local scale when addressing strategic needs but the recent experiences of joint planning (West of England JSP, Greater Manchester Spatial Framework, North Essex Authorities’ Local Plan) have had mixed fortunes (to say the least) and have revealed the political, funding, and planning challenges for LPAs that do try to ‘think big’.

This webinar aims to look at the issues arising for plan-makers and strategic land promoters considering whether joint planning is the way forward for their areas and projects, in the light of these recent cases, including the lessons to be learnt, the regulatory hurdles to overcome, the use of Statements of Common Ground, and practical measures that can best secure a favourable outcome.

Other webinars on the series include:

1. SEA/SA and Spatial Strategies
2. Green Belt release
3. Viability and funding infrastructure, including in relation to Garden Communities

SLIDES – Click here to download a copy of the slides used in this webinar.