Zoom webinar series on Local Plans – Viability and funding infrastructure

30 Jul 2020, 7:54 am


Michael Bedford QC, Wayne Beglan, Clare Parry





Following on from the introduction to elements of local plans webinar, the Cornerstone planning team will host a series of webinars drilling down into many of the key elements of the local planning process.

The last webinar focuses on viability and funding infrastructure.

The new focus on ‘build, build, build’ presents opportunities that could unlock growth in many parts of the country but it does not change the bottom line: non-viable development does not get built by the private sector and local authorities have to demonstrate value for money when competing for public funding and when using their own resources.

Large scale strategic developments, including Garden Communities, which will be built out over many decades, present particular challenges in showing they are deliverable.

Recent experiences at Uttlesford, North Essex, and Tandridge, have highlighted the difficulties of persuading Examination Inspectors that they have an adequate evidence base to endorse such strategic scale developments, especially where they are critically dependent on the delivery of new or improved infrastructure.

Demonstrating viability in a post-COVID 19 economic landscape also brings new and additional challenges for plan-makers and scheme promoters.

This webinar will explore the practical issues involved in successful planning for strategic developments, exploring lessons to be learnt, pitfalls to avoid, and the assembly of evidence.

Other webinars on the series include:

1. SEA/SA and Spatial Strategies 
2. Joint planning across authority lines
3. Green Belt release

SLIDES – Click here to download a copy of the slides used in this webinar.