Land to the rear of 237-259 London Road, West Malling, Kent (APP/H2265/W/18/3202040)
Section 78 appeal (inquiry) defending Tonbridge & Malling BC’s refusal of planning permission for an extra care development of 79 units and associated communal facilities adjacent to the settlement of West Malling in the Green Belt.
The site had been earmarked for Green Belt release in the emerging Local Plan which was due for adoption in late 2019. In allowing the appeal, the Inspector found that there was no additional landscape & visual harm given the site’s containment.
The Inspector accepted that there was a particular need for extra care schemes to meet the needs of an ageing population as well as the freeing up of general housing and health and well-being benefits which the scheme would bring.
The Council accepted that it could not demonstrate a 5yr HLS and that the national need for extra care schemes was significant.