Net Zero Challenge: Round 2
Cornerstone Climate, Public Law and Judicial Review
The High Court will today hear a challenge to the Government’s Carbon Budget Delivery Plan (‘CBDP’).
The CBDP is required by the Climate Change Act 2008 (‘CCA’). It outlines how the Government’s policies and proposals will enable carbon budgets to be met. The carbon budgets represent critical staging posts on the path to net zero.
The CBDP was produced following the successful challenge to the Government’s Net Zero Strategy by Friends of the Earth, Client Earth and Good Law Project. They have again brought conjoined judicial reviews against the replacement to the Net Zero Strategy, the CBDP. They allege that the Secretary of State failed to lawfully undertake the duties imposed on him by the CCA.
Cornerstone is represented on both sides of the argument. Nina Pindham, together with Catherine Dobson and led by David Wolfe KC appears for Friends of the Earth. Robert Williams, together with Christopher Badger and led by Jonathan Moffett KC, appears for the Secretary of State.
Nina and Robert are members of Cornerstone Climate, a cross-disciplinary practice group which offers specialist advice and representation in environment law and climate change litigation, drawing on our planning, environment, property, commercial, regulatory and public law teams.