Robert Williams

Call: 2008

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Robert Williams is a public law specialist, with particular expertise in planning and environmental law.

He frequently appears in the higher courts in judicial review and statutory challenges. In addition to his court work, Robert is regularly instructed to act in planning inquiries on behalf of both private parties and local authorities.

Currently appointed to the Attorney General’s A Panel of Junior Counsel to the Crown, he was previously on the B Panel for a period of five years.

Robert has also been appointed by the Department for Transport as one of six counsel promoting the HS2 Hybrid Bill through Parliament.

Recent cases and inquiries in which Robert has acted include:

Court work

  • Test Valley BC v Fiske [2024] EWCA Civ 1541 – Appearing on behalf of a local planning authority in the Court of Appeal clarifying the scope of variations that can be made by an application under section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
  • Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government v Ikram [2021] EWCA Civ 2Acting on behalf of the Secretary of State in a statutory appeal to a planning inspector’s decision to quash an enforcement notice, and grant permission for use of a building as a mosque. The central issues included the extent to which subsequent planning obligations are capable of remedying defects in conditions.
  • R (oao Wyeth-Price) v Guildford Borough Council [2020] EWHC 3355Appearing on behalf of the local planning authority in a judicial review of a grant of planning permission for a residential scheme. A wide range of grounds were advanced, including the alleged failure to properly apply the statutory duty concerning listed buildings.
  • RSBS Developments Ltd v Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government [2020] EWHC 3077Acting for the Secretary of State in a statutory appeal against the decision of an inspector to uphold an enforcement notice requiring the cessation of residential use of a building. It raised a novel point of law: namely the application of Article 3(5) of the General Permitted Development Order to grants of planning permission by prior approval.
  • Test Valley Borough Council v Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government [2020] EWHC 3158 – Appearing for the claimant in a statutory challenge to the decision of a planning inspector to grant permission for the storage use of land. The decision was challenged on the basis that the conditions attached to the permission were deficient, leading to a disconnect between that which had been assessed and that which was granted.
  • Old Sarum Airfield Ltd v Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government [2020] EWHC 2112 – Acting for the Secretary of State in a statutory challenge to an inspector’s decision to refuse planning permission for a mixed-use development on a heritage airfield. The case concerned inter alia the extent of the duty to give reasons in planning appeals.

Planning appeals

  • Pump Lane, Medway (2021) – 6-week inquiry. Proposed mixed-use development, including 1250 homes. Recovered for determination by the Secretary of State. Acting on behalf of local planning authority.
  • Wye College, Ashford (2021) – 2-week inquiry. Three conjoined appeals, including the proposed redevelopment of Grade I listed, 15th century chantry college. Acted for the Parish Council.
  • Mitchelswood Farm, Lewes (2020) – multiple-week inquiry. Proposed residential development in countryside location. Recovered for determination by the Secretary of State and remitted following the Court of Appeal’s decision in DLA Delivery Ltd v Baroness Cumberlege of Newick [2018] EWCA Civ 1305. Acted on behalf of local planning authority.
  • West Malling, Tonbridge & Malling (2019) – 2-week inquiry concerning a proposed development immediately adjacent to West Malling Abbey, which Historic England recognised as having “outstanding national significance”. Acted for the Parish Council.

Local Plan examinations

  • Braintree Part 2 Local Plan – for the promoting authority.
  • Tonbridge and Malling Local Plan – for the promoting authority (with Wayne Beglan).
  • North Essex Authorities Strategic Local Plans (2020) – for the promoting authorities (with Michael Bedford QC).
  • Guildford Local Plan (2019) – for the promoting authority (with James Findlay QC).
  • Central Bedfordshire Local Plan (2019) – for a developer/objector.
  • Nuneaton Local Plan (2019) – for a developer/objector.

Climate litigation

Rob’s practice involves a wide range of climate-related matters. In this field he acts for and advises promoters, operators, regulators, and government, both central and local. He is a member of Cornerstone Climate. His experience includes:

  • “Recharge One” – acting for the promoters of an electric vehicle service-station located in the South Downs National Park which is to be powered and heated entirely by biomethane;
  • Promoting HS2 Hybrid Bill in Parliament – HS2 is being designed and built to be the most sustainable high-speed rail network in the world;
  • Large scale on-shore wind-farms – appearing at planning inquiries for promoters and planning authorities in England and Wales;
  • Advising operators – in relation to the EU Emissions Trading Scheme;
  • Restoration obligations – Advising operators and planning authorities in respect of restoration obligations imposed in respect of coal mines (Margam mine, Neath Port Talbot) and oil fields (Wytch Farm)
  • Solar farms – Appearing in judicial review and statutory challenges to grants of consent for solar farms (Bramley Solar Farm v SSLUHC; Telford & Wrekin Council v SSLUHC; Fiske v Test Valley BC); hydrocarbon exploration (Protect Dunsfold Ltd v SSLUHC); and major-urban extensions (R (Llandaff North Residents’ Association) v Cardiff Council)

Rob was called to the Bar in 2008, having previously read law at University College London, where he obtained a first-class degree (top in the year).
