Planning: top ten court rulings of 2017 – Cornerstone Barristers appears in four of them
In the top ten court rulings of 2017 which carry the biggest implications for planning (as reported by Planning Resource), our barristers appear in the following four cases:
- Gladman Developments Ltd v Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government & Ors – Dr Ashley Bowes acted for Interested Party
- Dartford Borough Council v The Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government & Ors – Dr Ashely Bowes acted for the Appellant
- Suffolk Coastal District Council v Hopkins Homes Ltd & Anor – Jonathan Clay and Dr Ashley Bowes acted for the Appellants
- Williams, R (On the Application Of) v Powys County Council – Clare Parry acted for the Respondent
In the ten most studied appeal and call-in decisions of 2017, Cornerstone appears in the following two appeals:
Headquarters approved in protected landscape
In July, an inspector found that exceptional circumstances justify approving expansion of an international charity’s office headquarters and 91 new homes on a former school site in an Oxfordshire area of outstanding natural beauty (DCS Number 200-006-827). She considered that the quality of the proposals, the need for the development and a lack of alternative sites outside the designated landscape were matters of substantial importance in the public interest. Tom Cosgrove QC represented South Oxfordshire District Council.
Green belt homes agreed to fund college upgrade
Very special circumstances justify an enabling development of 348 homes as part of a comprehensive redevelopment of a further education college in the Hertfordshire green belt, the secretary of state determined in November (DCS Number 200-006-985). In the absence of a five-year housing land supply in the district, he judged that the benefits of providing market and affordable housing would be significant. Richard Ground QC represented both the college and the developer.