Cornerstone Barristers launches new blog on social housing fraud

01 Jan 2018


Following the book launch of Cornerstone on Social Housing Fraud early this month, its author Andy Lane and colleague Richard Hanstock announce their new blog dealing with this area of the law.

The Cornerstone on Social Housing Fraud blog intends to promote and update those interested in this particular field, whilst also inviting contributions and comments from external experts and others involved in tackling this significant problem.

The Prevention of Social Housing Fraud Act 2013 has focused many practitioners’ minds on this area of work. Whilst many social landlords have excellent set-ups to deal with unlawful sub-letting, tenancies procured by fraud and such like that is not always the case. Further, options such as a tort of deceit claim and confiscation orders under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 are frequently misunderstood or ignored.

We hope that the blog will promote best practice as well as the appreciation, consideration and use of all remedies and tools at the disposal of local housing authorities and private registered providers.

You can also follow us on Twitter @CSHousingFraud.