DEFRA confirms Whitstable Bay CPO for nature reserve
The Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs has confirmed the Whitstable Bay Estate Compulsory Purchase Order made by Canterbury City Council.
The CPO authorises the compulsory purchase of 242 leisure plots (approx. 40 hectares) on the Whitstable Bay Estate (WBE). The WBE forms part of the Seasalter and Graveney Levels, an internationally important site for nature conservation. The CPO will enable the WBE to be run and managed as a nature reserve, with one of the objectives being the re-establishment of breeding waders, including lapwing and redshank. This is the first stage in developing the Seasalter and Graveney Levels into a major nature reserve.
The Secretary of State, following the recommendations of her Inspector, concluded that there was a compelling case in the public interest for confirming the Order and that interference with land owners’ rights under Article 1, Protocol 1 EHCR was justified.
The CPO was promoted by Canterbury City Council on behalf of a strategic partnership which included Swale Borough Council, RSPB and Natural England.
Rob Williams has been advising the partnership on all aspects of making and confirming of the Order since 2013. He appeared for Canterbury City Council at the public inquiry into the CPO, calling experts from RSPB and the Council.
Cornerstone Barristers has particular expertise in Compulsory Purchase and Compensation matters, and regularly advises on all stages of a CPO. Please contact the clerks for further information.