EV Charging by 2030 – How do we hit the government’s target?

02 Oct 2023, 11:00 am to 12:00 pm


Robert Williams, Ruchi Parekh, Ashley Bowes, Roisin Naughton


Zoom webinar



The Government has set a target of installing 300,000 Electric Vehicle (EV) charging points throughout the UK by 2030 when new petrol and diesel car sales will be banned, as part of its Net Zero commitments. With just 44,000 public chargers in the UK currently, and a third of these in London, there’s quite a mountain to climb.

This upcoming webinar from Cornerstone Climate will provide an overview of how developers can help meet that target, with a focus on overcoming planning and regulatory hurdles which means gaining consent for EV charging points can often take up to two years.

We’ll be joined by experienced members of Cornerstone’s planning, environment and regulatory teams – Robert Williams, Ruchi Parekh and Ashley Bowes – plus guest Roisin Naughton, a Principal Consultant from Arcadis Consulting.

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Sign up for the webinar and you’ll also receive access to an exclusive ‘Cornerstone on EV Charging’ report.

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