Part Two: Taxi Licensing Hearing
In these videos, the Licensing Sub-Committee considers an application by Virginia Woolf (trading as Bloomsbury Taxis) to renew her Operator’s Licence. The Licensing Committee has discretion to grant or refuse that application.
Asitha Ranatunga chairs the Sub-Committee and the hearing includes appearances from several other members of the Cornerstone Licensing Team (Kuljit Bhogal, Josef Cannon, Matt Lewin and Ruchi Parekh).
Guidance is provided throughout the hearing. As you watch the video, think of what decision you would come to and then compare it with the possible decisions given below.
The agenda papers are available to download below (including the licensing officer’s report and representations) along with examples of possible decisions.
Total video length: 25 minutes
Decision to grant the application
Taxi licensing: decision to grant the application
Decision to refuse the application
Taxi licensing: decision to refuse the application