Lois Lane and Sam Kharabanda Groom now accepting instructions

Cornerstone pupils Lois Lane and Sam Kharabanda Groom can now receive instructions having completed their first six months of pupillage with Chambers, both having gained their Provisional Practising Certificate.
Lois completed her first six months of pupillage under the supervision of Estelle Dehon KC and Ryan Kohli, during which she assisted with drafting pleadings, skeleton arguments, and legal opinions across a range of areas including housing, planning, property and environmental protection. Lois also has an interest in Court of Protection and licensing work.
Sam is currently under the supervision of Matthew Feldman and Sarah Salmon. He accepts instructions in all of Cornerstone’s practice areas. Sam was previously supervised by Dr Ashley Bowes, under whose supervision he assisted with the full range of planning work undertaken on behalf of developers, local authorities, and private individuals.
Cornerstone Barristers is delighted to have both Lois and Sam on the team.