Cornerstone pupils Jeremy Ogilvie-Harris and Hannah Taylor are now accepting instructions
Cornerstone Climate, Public Law and Judicial Review, Planning and Environment, Housing, Licensing, Information Law, Local Government, Health and Social Care, Court of Protection, Property, Commercial and Regulatory, Inquests and Inquiries

Cornerstone pupils Jeremy Ogilvie-Harris and Hannah Taylor are now accepting instructions having completed their first six months of pupillage with Chambers, both having gained their Provisional Practising Certificate.
Jeremy completed the first six months of pupillage under the supervision of Andrew Lane, Ruchi Parekh and Riccardo Calzavara. As he was the Public Law Supervisor and a Housing and Benefits Case Worker at the Hackney Community Law Centre prior to pupillage, he has experience in public law, human rights and civil liberties, housing and homelessness and welfare benefits. He also has an interest in developing a practice in planning, environment and climate law, and information and data protection law.
View Jeremy’s profile here.
Hannah completed her first six months of pupillage under the supervision of Alexander Campbell and Nina Pindham. She accepts instructions across all areas of Chambers’ work with a particular interest in planning, environmental, public, and Court of Protection work. During her legal studies, Hannah undertook an internship with Pogust Goodhead where she gained experience of major class actions, including Municipio de Mariana v BHP Group which concerns an environmental disaster caused by the collapse of the Fundão tailings dam in Brazil.
View Hannah’s profile here.
We’re delighted to have Jeremy and Hannah on the team.