Cornerstone Barristers Planning Day 2023 Catch Up Package
06 Nov 2023, 9:30 am to 7:00 pm
Cornerstone Planning & Environment teamVenue
Royal College of Surgeons of England, 38 – 43 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3PE
If you missed out on Planning Day, you can now purchase a Catch-Up Package which captures every key moment, speaker session, and panel discussion, ensuring you won’t miss a beat, for £75 plus VAT.
To purchase the Planning Day Catch-Up Package, please complete this form. We will then send you a VAT invoice and, on receipt of payment, email whoever is identified on the form the details of how to download the package.
Watch the highlights
Please note timings and content are subject to change.
- 09:00 Registration and refreshments
- 09:30 Chair’s address
Speaker: Michael Bedford KC - 09:40 Keynote address – Johanna Boyd
The Chief Executive of Planning Aid Scotland, Johanna Boyd, will share recent developments in planning north of the border that we can learn from, including their approach to climate change. - 10:00 Key changes to planning appeals system in recent years: A practical guide
This session will focus on a number of changes that have taken place recently to planning appeals procedures including the criteria that the Planning Inspectorate uses, as well as offering practical advice for stakeholders as they navigate these systems.
Speakers: Clare Parry, Ed Grant - 10:30 Case law update
A round up of the most important developments from the past 12 months.
Speakers: Verity Bell, Jack Barber - 11:00 Break and networking
- 11:30 Section 73: Why do we (or the Courts) keep getting it wrong?
A recent spate of case law concerning the scope of section 73 TCPA 1990 – which enables variations of conditions attached to a planning permission – leaves the law in a confused and confusing place. In their talk Rob and Ruchi will summarise where the law currently stands, suggest how the higher courts might bring some clarity to the area, and provide practical guidance as to how to navigate s.73 applications in the meantime
Speakers: Robert Williams, Ruchi Parekh - 12:00 An environmental smorgasbord: from BNG to ESG
Join two of Cornerstone’s leading planning barristers for a smorgasbord environmental session, covering all you need to know from BNG to ESG.
Speakers: Estelle Dehon KC, Ryan Kohli - 12:30 Environmental Impact Assessment: recent legal issues, and a taste of the future in the shape of Environmental Outcomes Reports.
This session will include an update on law and guidance relevant to EIA practice; perspectives on the significance and/or outcome of the Supreme Court’s judgment in Finch v Surrey County Council, plus an upbeat assessment of the Government’s Environmental Outcomes Proposals (EOR) report.
Speakers: Harriet Townsend, Nina Pindham - 13:00 Lunch and networking
- 14:00 Building beautiful: Design in the Courts and on appeal
This session will include an overview of design codes and the government’s beauty commission: what impact has this had on approving development? Plus discussion of future design trends: designing for heat, adaptation and re-use.
Speakers: Richard Ground KC, Matt Lewin - 14:30 How to get planning permission for your residential scheme in the Green Belt
Our speakers will look at a range of recent decisions in Green Belt cases and offer their views on how to maximise your chances of gaining permission for a residential scheme in the Green Belt, including: Properly assessing harm, identifying and maximising benefits, the role of local plans, and housing land supply.
Speakers: Josef Cannon, Emma Dring - 15:00 Coffee break
- 15:15 Environmental panel
Speakers: Tom Cosgrove KC (chair), Estelle Dehon KC, Nina Pindham and Ruchi Parekh. - 16:00 Hot topics in planning panel
Speakers: Michael Bedford KC (chair) Paul Shadarevian KC, Wayne Beglan, Emmaline Lambert and John Walker (CT Group) - 16:45 Drinks reception
- 19:00 Carriages