Introducing Cornerstone Climate – a new centre of excellence for climate litigation and advice
The climate and biodiversity crises have triggered legislative, regulatory and market responses that affect clients across planning, environment, property, commercial and public law. Awareness of, and potentially imaginative solutions to, climate and biodiversity risks are required.
Cornerstone Barristers has a strong track record of involvement in climate cases and of giving strategic, carbon-literate advice, including to all levels of government. We are therefore proud to announce Cornerstone Climate, a new centre of excellence for climate litigation and advice and a hub for wider engagement, against a background of legal expertise.
Cornerstone Climate is a cross-disciplinary practice group offering cross-cutting services for environment law, climate change advice and litigation, drawing on our award-winning planning, environment, property, commercial, regulatory and public law teams. We also act as a hub bringing professionals together from across the construction, development, public policy and commercial worlds to share best practice and insight, hosting regular in-person and online events.
Physical and policy infrastructure are both required, rapidly, to deliver net zero by 2050. Carbon-sensitive developments which are climate resilient and biodiversity positive are needed. Cornerstone Climate will help clients navigate the rapidly changing and increasingly complex legal landscape and will bring people together to accelerate take-up of climate and nature-positive opportunities.