Public Law in 2024: Practical Insights and Trends

04 Jul 2024, 9:30 am to 5:30 pm




IDRC, 1 Paternoster Lane, St. Paul’s, London, EC4M 7BQ


£90 + VAT

Join us for Public Law in 2024: Practical Insights and Trendsa one-day symposium bringing together the brightest minds to dive into the latest developments in public law.

A packed schedule of talks will take in topics including duty of candour and disclosure, remedies, practical tips for bringing and defending claims, consultation, remedies, costs, plus a comprehensive case law update, all delivered by Cornerstone’s leading public law team.

We’re delighted to be joined by our Keynote Speaker Lady Arden, former justice of the UK Supreme Court.

Whether you’re looking to enhance your practice, deepen your knowledge, or simply engage with like-minded individuals on important public law issues, this day promises to be an enriching experience.

Who’s this for?

The conference is aimed at all practitioners involved in public law and judicial review, whether bringing or defending claims.


  • Programme
    • 9:30 – Registration and Refreshments

    • 9:45 – Opening address and Keynote
      Welcome address by Cornerstone’s joint head of public law, Estelle Dehon KC and followed by the keynote address from Lady Arden, Justice of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom from October 2018 to January 2022.

    • 10:15 – Case Law Update
      Two of our brightest up and coming public lawyers deliver a comprehensive case law update. With Olivia Davies and Dr Lois Lane.

    • 10.45 – Breakout session 1
      A. Practical tips for Central and Local Govt in defending claims – Clare Parry, Matthew Feldman and Tara O’Leary
      Practical tips for bringing claims – Estelle Dehon KC, Alexander Campbell and Rowan Clapp

    • 11:30 – Refreshments

    • 12:00 – Cards Face Up: Candour and Disclosure in Judicial Review
      What does the duty of candour really require? How can the benefits and burdens be balanced? What scope is there for disclosure? Our speakers will discuss recent developments in the law relating to the duty of candour and disclosure and offer practical guidance for both claimants and defendants. With Ryan Kohli and India Flanagan.

    • 14:45 – The bottom line in JR? Costs practice and procedure
      An in-depth look at costs in Judicial Review from recent rule changes, the latest cases and current trends and worked examples from practice, with Jack Parker and Ruchi Parekh.

    • 15:15 – Refreshments

    • 15:30 – Devolution in Reverse? Latest Developments in Constitutional Law
      The devolution settlements for Scotland and Wales are now a quarter of a century old. A series of recent decisions, however, appear to pull power back to Westminster. Sam Fowles has argued some of the leading devolution matters. He’ll review the new balance of power and ask what next for devolution.

    • 16:00 –  Panel Discussion: A Look Ahead
      Concluding conference, our illuminating panel discussion promises to be a thought-provoking journey into what the next year holds for public law, with our panel offering valuable insights and predictions. With James Findlay KC, Estelle Dehon KC, Kuljit Bhogal KC and Rob Williams plus guest.

    • 16:30 – Drinks reception

    Timings, speakers and content are subject to change